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What is Grace?

Julie Rajnus

Grace is the free, unearned love and acceptance of God towards humans.

Throughout the bible we see a God who pursues us relentlessly with His love, culminating in Jesus (God, Himself, in a frail human body) on the cross. The depth of someone's love is always measured by how much they are willing to sacrifice for the object of their love. In this case, Jesus gave it all. There is no greater love that will ever cross your path.

True well-being flows from faith in that love. Our work is simply to believe it. We get a lot of contradictory messages about that. Isn't love always a two way street? Don't we need to clean up our act, sacrifice our time and energy, or get religious to earn God's love? No.

We simply believe. And as we grow in our belief that God loves us, we find our well-being increases. The more we trust in God's love, the more we are refreshed. His love empowers us to make changes we never thought possible. God's grace even teaches us to say no to the things that will harm us. As we flourish under His loving care, our ability to love others grows as well. Even our weaknesses serve a purpose with the grace of God.

Grace is everything. The grace and truth that guarantee human well-being come directly through faith in Jesus. Simple.

1 John 4:16 - We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.


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