Faith Statement
As the world around us gets darker, we need to hear the message of God's grace more than ever before. It is a message of hope and peace: a builder of well-being. It is the secret to flourishing.

The Facts of Faith
That God is real, and the bible accurately tells His story.
That God exists in three persons (much like we exist as body, mind, and soul). God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
That nothing is more important to our well-being than accurately understanding who Jesus is. He is God, who took on the frail human form. He did what no man had ever done before: lived a perfect life.
God (Jesus) chose to experience an agonizing death to redeem humanity. He became our substitute- our flawed self that was incapable of living a perfect life died with Jesus. Our new, perfect, complete self rose with Him.
Our journey through life is now composed of growing in grace- or learning to live in the belief that we are perfect in God's eyes, through Jesus (justification). Our old ways of doing life (as unloved, imperfect people) often take time to relearn (sanctification). God's Holy Spirit lives inside of us, driving our growth.
Salvation is wholly a work of God’s free grace and is not the result, in whole or in part, of human works or goodness or religious ceremony. God imputes His righteousness to those who put their faith in Christ.
Anyone who wishes to receive God's gift of grace is able to... simply by believing it's true.
God's grace gives us well-being benefits in this lifetime. But a full, incomprehensible level of well-being will be experienced after this lifetime- in eternity: with God, face to face.
Jesus Christ will come again to the earth — personally, visibly and bodily — to consummate history and the eternal plan of God. This will be a time of great joy for believers, and terrible sorrow for those who have rejected God's love.